How-To Post [Blogging Blueprint] (Clone) (Clone)


Your “how to” blog post should teach the reader how to do something by breaking it down into a series of steps.

Begin your blog post by explaining what problem you are going to solve through your explanation and be sure to include any relevant keywords. Add in a personal story to establish your credibility on this topic. And make sure to end your blog post with a summary of what your reader will gain by following your lead.

Need some inspiration? Check out these "How-To" examples from the HubSpot blog:

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Posted by Sample HubSpot User 0 Comments Oct 21, 2016

Topics: TEST, Insider

How-To Post [Blogging Blueprint] (Clone)


Your “how to” blog post should teach the reader how to do something by breaking it down into a series of steps.

Begin your blog post by explaining what problem you are going to solve through your explanation and be sure to include any relevant keywords. Add in a personal story to establish your credibility on this topic. And make sure to end your blog post with a summary of what your reader will gain by following your lead.

Need some inspiration? Check out these "How-To" examples from the HubSpot blog:

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Posted by Sample HubSpot User 0 Comments Oct 21, 2016

Topics: TEST, Insider

Overcoming Design Challenges in High Performance Motors

Smaller Motors, Bigger Design Challenges

Permanent magnet (PM) motors for EV applications have unique design challenges. As electric motors become smaller and faster, designers must consider the potential effects of electrical drive frequencies, magnetic eddy currents, laminated steel core loss, mechanical stresses on the quickly rotating shaft (rotor dynamics), and electrical control of the motor through the inverter.

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Posted by Arnold Staff 0 Comments Oct 21, 2016

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